Joanne Astrow: Rebel Lessons

Joanne Astrow is a baller with a rebellious bent… and I love that.

I loved coming to her apartment near the Grove in Los Angeles and seeing two sculptures of hands with middle fingers raised, and a bronze clay dick on the coffee table. Upon inquiry, she explained it was a prop from a play she and her husband had written and produced.

Joanne is the first woman on the show who is also a grandmother. Learning about her story and everything she has done since she was born, just before World War II, was astonishing. She shared her pre- Roe V. Wade story with me and I realized how far we have come as women and also how far we have yet to go.

Joanne Astrow is an example of a woman taking the risk of betting on herself. And betting big.

I aim to do that even though there are days when I think, “Who the hell do I think I am? They’re all going to find out I don’t know what I’m doing and I’m no good.” Yesterday was, in fact, such a day for me. Also, it was some kind of crazy blood wolf full supermoon with an eclipse on top. As I read further about it, many experts claimed that this moon brought about our shadow-selves, things that are deep and dark within us, things we need to release to step into our authentic (badass) selves. All I know is, I really felt like giving up. Today I feel better. So, I’m chalking it up to that. And hormones. And life.

Once again, one woman’s remarkable life-story has inspired me to keep going. To keep laughing. And to keep waving the middle finger at the patriarchy or anyone else who tries to keep me down. Even my shadow self when she gets dark and twisty.

I love you. Keep going.

