2018 was a big, big year for many of us. Lots happened. Lots of feelings happened about what happened. I decided to talk with you all about my personal life this year in a Bonus Episode. I hope you enjoy it. (Read on to find out about the 2018 Reflections music playlist I created for you too!)
My life has always been accompanied by music. My parents were musicians when they met. My Dad was the lead drummer in a cover band and he hired my Mom to be the lead singer. They fell in love and the rest is history. Music has always inspired my stories, my movement, my life experience. Music is a story, and I live by the notion that stories are the thing that binds us, that help us make sense of all this shit, that opens us up to ourselves and each other. Often when I’m writing a story, I make a playlist to accompany the characters on their journey. I listen to it and imagine them doing the things they need to do to get to the end of the story. A soundtrack for them.
The Playlist: 2018 Reflections
So, I compiled a 2018 reflections music playlist for you guys on Spotify and Apple Music. I hope you enjoy these 9 songs I picked for you that resonate deeply with me as I reflect on 2018 and the love and the loss that I experienced.
My wish for you for 2019: Love Big. Bigger. Deeper. Richer. Risk your heart. The worst thing that happens is that it gets broken. You will survive. You will be better for it. You will be kinder, if you keep opening yourself rather than shut down. There is boundless love waiting for you. I promise.
P.S. Start 2019 with my 7 Habits of Baller MILFs!