After having the lusciously beautiful, elegant, and fiercely authentic May Lindstrom in my home for our interview, I realized two things: 1) You never really know a person’s true beginnings until they tell you their story, 2) Her quote of “Fuck This, I Have a Voice,” should truly be on the back of bumpers, fronts of tee shirts, mugs, banners, billboards, and anything that takes print.
The idea of “Fuck This, I Have a Voice,” is so familiar to me and yet still so challenging to embrace as a woman.
It’s the reason I started my podcast, it’s the reason I wrote my first novel and continue to plow through my second. It’s the reason I’m writing this right this very minute. I have a voice. I have a perspective and it’s valid. We all do. And all of our perspectives are valid, even those that we don’t like. Even those with orange hair who are in positions of power who make abusive, ignorant rants, even his are valid. They are his to own. I’m not condoning the misuse of authority or the rantings of a lunatic… What I AM saying is that each being on the planet has a voice, a perspective, and each of us
But I shan’t make this about that: it’s about women’s voices and this place, where we celebrate women’s stories. We celebrate the ‘fuck this,’ and the ‘I’m here,’ and the ‘let me be me.’ Because when we do that for ourselves, we can do it for others. And that’s my job. I love being me: messy AF, goofy and flighty sometimes, dark and serious other times, and always, always looking to be of service to women’s stories.
I want to help you unlock your stories. In part, by sharing this broadcast of interviews with creative women who birth things that are risky and bold.
With all of that said, I would like to invite you to embolden yourself this week. Voice some truths that you’ve been hesitant to express. Not at the expense of hurting another person, but at the success of releasing your truth! I love you. I’ll be talking to you soon!