Spark Your Creativity

Step into Spring with me! Starting today, the day after we all cursed Daylight Savings because we “lost” an hour, messed up our kids’ sleep schedule, and feel generally terrible, let’s renew our creative spark! I’m serious. There’s no action like contrary action! It works!

So, I’ve created this list of 21 ways to spark your creativity. Try some. Add some. Embellish others. It’s your list to do with as you please. I will be doing them and posting daily on Instagram so you can follow me. And when you use the hashtag #creativerenewal21days with me, I’ll donate $1 to our March Charity, Girl Rising, every time you post with that hashtag!

Are you with me? Join me. Watch me. Watch me, then join me. It’s all up to you. I just bet you have a seed of something you’re yearning to express: A story you want to tell, a play you want to write, a painting you want to paint. I’m here to remind you that whatever it is, it’s valuable. It’s coming from deep within you. It’s not frivolous or a waste of time. It’s an expression of your soul. What’s more important than that? Truly! It will feed you and nourish you and expand your energy and your abundance. Trust me on this. Let’s spark our creative selves and make something new!

I love you. Keep going.

